
Contains a single subdirectory slt, which stands for “Semi-Lagrangian Transport advection” that has many files in it containing subroutines.

  • bandij.F90 contains a single suroutine: “Calculate longitude and latitude indices that identify the intervals on the extended grid that contain the departure points.”

  • basdy.F90 Compute weights for the calculation of derivative estimates at the two center points of the four point stencil for each interval in the unequally spaced latitude grid. Estimates are from differentiating a Lagrange cubic polynomial through the four point stencil.

  • basdz.F90 Compute weights for the calculation of derivative estimates at two center points of the four point stencil for each interval in the unequally spaced vertical grid (as defined by the array sig).

  • basiy.F90 Compute weights used in Lagrange cubic polynomial interpolation in the central interval of a four point stencil. Done for each interval in the unequally spaced latitude grid.

  • difcor.F90 Add correction term to t and q horizontal diffusions and determine the implied heating rate due to momentum diffusion.

  • engy_tdif.F90 Calculate contribution of current latitude to del-T integral.

  • engy_te.F90 Calculate contribution of current latitude to total energy.

  • extx.F90 Copy data to the longitude extensions of the extended array.

  • extys.F90 Fill latitude extensions of a scalar extended array and copy data to the longitude extensions of the extended array.

  • extyv.F90 Fill latitude extensions of a vector component extended array.

  • flxint.F90 Calculate contribution of current latitude to energy flux integral.

  • grdxy.F90 Define the “extended” grid used in the semi-Lagrangian transport scheme.

  • hadvtest.h Looks like a short file that just has references to three functions: usave, vsave, pssave in it.

  • hordif1.F90 Horizontal diffusion of z,d,t,q.

  • kdpfnd.F90 Determine vertical departure point indices that point into a grid containing the full or half sigma levels.

  • lcbas.F90 Evaluate the partial Lagrangian cubic basis functions for the grid points rather than grid values.

  • lcdbas.F90 Calculate weights used to evaluate derivative estimates at the inner grid points of a four point stencil based on Lagrange cubic polynomial through four unequally spaced points.

  • omcalc.F90 Calculate vertical pressure velocity (omga = dp/dt).

  • pdelb0.F90 Compute the pressure intervals between the interfaces for the “B” portion of the hybrid grid only.

  • phcs.F90 Compute associated Legendre functions of the first kind of order m and degree n, and the associated derivatives for arg x1.

  • plevs0.F90 Define the pressures of the interfaces and midpoints from the coordinate definitions and the surface pressure.

  • qmassa.F90 Calculate contribution of current latitude to mass of constituents being advected by slt.

  • qmassd.F90 Compute comtribution of current latitude to global integral of q2*|q2 - q1|*eta.

  • reordp.F90 Renormalize associated Legendre polynomials and their derivatives.

  • scm0.F90 Apply SCM0 limiter to derivative estimates.

  • xqmass.F90 Compute comtribution of current latitude to global integrals necessary to compute the fixer for the non-water constituents.