Filtering theory

Assume a dynamical system that is governed by a stochastic difference equation:

\[dx_t = f(x_t, t)+G(x_t,t)d \beta_t\]

for all times, \(t \geq 0\). Observations occur at discrete times:


where \(k=1,2,...;\) and \(t_{k+1} > t_k \geq t_0\).

The observational error is white in time and is Gaussian (this latter assumption is not essential).

\[\nu_k \rightarrow N(0,R_k)\]

The complete history of observations is:

\[Y_\tau=\{y_l;t_l \leq \tau\}\]

Our goal is to find the probability distribution for the state at time \(t\).


The state between observation times is obtained from the difference equation. We need to update the state given new observations:

\[p(x,t_k | Y_{t_k}) = p(x,t_k |y_k, Y_{t_{k-1}})\]

We do so by applying Bayes’ rule:

\[p(x,t_k | Y_{t_k}) = \frac{p(y_k |x_k, Y_{t_{k-1}}) p(x,t_k | Y_{t_{k-1}})}{p(y_k, Y_{t_{k-1}})}\]

Since the error is white in time:

\[p(y_k | x_k, Y_{t_{k-1}})=p(y_k|x_k)\]

We integrate the numerator to obtain a normalizing denominator:

\[p(y_k | x_k, Y_{t_{k-1}})= \int p(y_k|x) p(x,t_k |Y_{t_{k-1}})dx\]

This allows us to update the probability after a new observation:

\[p(x,t_k | Y_{t_k}) = \frac{p(y_k|x) p(x,t_k |Y_{t_{k-1}})}{\int p(y_k|\xi) p(\xi,t_k |Y_{t_{k-1}})d\xi}\]