Contributors’ Guide

Contributing source code

Aether is an open-source model that welcomes your contributions. If you want to contribute to the project, you should be familiar with the standard GitHub fork and pull request workflow. These are the basic steps involved in the workflow.

  1. Fork the repository

  2. Clone your fork

  3. Checkout a feature branch

  4. Make changes, commit them, and push them to your fork

  5. Make a pull request

GitHub instructional tutorials

Many universities provide their faculty, staff and students access to instructional materials from LinkedIn Learning. Two videos from this service are useful for learning the basics of git and GitHub:

Contributing documentation

Aether’s documentation follows the Google developer documentation style guide. If you want to contribute documentation, you should read through the style guide and follow its guidelines as you write.

This documentation is output as HTML using the Sphinx documentation tool. The text is written using the reStructuredText specification. See the reStructuredText Style Guide for formatting instructions.

Adding pages to the documentation

Sphinx uses a table of contents tree, or toctree, directive to organize its contents. To add a new page, first create a .rst document in the repository and then add a reference to the document you created in one of the toctree lists in index.rst.