
This subdirectory is curiously not present in other versions of the repository.

  • LICENSE.txt


  • kessler The Kessler warm rain scheme was first included to support the Dynamical Core.

    • kessler.F90 Implements the Kessler (1969) microphysics parameterization as described by Soong and Ogura (1973) and Klemp and Wilhelmson (1978).

    • kessler.meta

    • kessler_update.F90

    • kessler_update.meta

  • suite_cam6.xml

  • suite_cam6_silhs.xml

  • suite_kessler.xml

  • utilities

    • geopotential_t.F90 Compute the geopotential height (above the surface) at the midpoints and interfaces using the input temperatures and pressures.

    • geopotential_t.meta

    • state_converters.F90 Contains various converters such as a conversion between temperature and potential temperature, dry pressure to dry air density, wet and dry, etc.

    • state_converters.meta